Membrane type, Auto stable, Membrane type auto stable – YSI Pro2030 User Manual

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The Pro2030 has two compatible sensors for use with a field cable:

Polarographic – This sensor has a black sensor body and is engraved with

the model number 2003. Polarographic will be abbreviated Polaro in the


Galvanic – This sensor has a grey sensor body and is engraved with the model

number 2002.

In terms of physical configuration, membrane material and general performance,

YSI Professional Series Galvanic dissolved oxygen sensors are exactly like the

Professional Series Polarographic sensors. The advantage of using Galvanic

sensors is convenience. Galvanic sensors provide an instant-on sensor without

the need for warm-up time but this affects the life of the sensor. Polarographic

sensors last longer and have a longer warranty but require a 5-15 minute warm-

up time before use or calibration.

MeMBrane tyPe

Membrane Type sets the type of membrane used on the dissolved oxygen

sensor; either 1.25 PE (Yellow) or 2.0 PE (blue). Use the up or down arrow keys

to highlight Membrane Type and press enter to open the membrane submenu.

Highlight the membrane type corresponding to the membrane installed on the

sensor and press enter to confirm. The enabled membrane type will have an ‘X’

in the box next to it. Use the down arrow key to highlight the ESC – Exit box

along the bottom of the display and press enter to save changes and to close the

membrane submenu.

The dissolved oxygen sensor is supplied with membranes specific to the sensor

type and are color coded as described in the following tables.

Galvanic Membrane Kits:

Item Color



5913 Yellow 1.25 mil

polyethylene (PE)

Faster response time and less flow

dependence than traditional Teflon®


5914 Blue 2.0 mil

polyethylene (PE)

Less flow dependence than 1.25 mil

membrane but somewhat slower


Polarographic Membrane Kits:

Item Color



5908 Yellow 1.25 mil

polyethylene (PE)

Faster response time and less flow

dependence than traditional Teflon®


5909 Blue 2.0 mil

polyethylene (PE)

Less flow dependence than 1.25 mil

membrane but somewhat slower


Selecting a Dissolved oxygen Membrane:



Flow Dependence

After 4 Minutes

Required Sample


Typical Response

Time (T-95)

5913, 5908



6 inches/second

8 seconds

5914, 5909



3 inches/second

17 seconds

auto staBle

Auto Stable utilizes preset values to indicate when a reading is stable. The preset

values are adjustable in the System Setup menu. The user can input a % change

in readings (0.0 to 1.9) over ‘x’ amount of time in seconds (3-19). There are

two separate Auto Stable controls, one for dissolved oxygen readings (Do Auto

Stable) and one for conductivity readings (Cond. Auto Stable).

Highlight either Do Auto Stable or Cond. Auto Stable, then press enter to open

the submenu.

Use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the % change or seconds (secs) input

field, then press enter to make the highlighted field adjustable. Use the up or

down arrow keys to adjust the selected value, then press enter to confirm changes.

once you have confirmed any changes, highlight the ESC-Exit box along the

bottom of the display and press enter to close the Auto Stable submenu.

To disable Auto Stable, set the % Change input to 0.0.

When Auto Stable is enabled, an


symbol will display next to the reading

on the Run screen and blink during stabilization. When the dissolved oxygen

and/or conductivity reading stabilizes based on the Auto Stable settings, the


symbol will display steadily and the instrument will beep twice if Audio

is turned on.