3 recommended fields of application, Recommended fields of application -3 – YSI IFL 700 IQ User Manual
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IFL 70x IQ
1 - 3
Fig. 1-3
Principle of the ultrasonic measurement
Wiper (cleaning system)
The IFL 700 IQ sensor has a mechanical wiper that effectively cleans
gas bubbles and dirt off the ultrasonic transducer. The wiper operates
contactless and is maintenance-free and wear-free.
Recommended fields of application
Sludge level control and monitoring in waste water treatment.
Transmitted ultrasonic waves
Echo reflected by the sludge blanket (short reflection interval)
Echo reflected by the bottom area (long reflection interval)
Sludge blanket level
Detailed information on the subject of sludge level mea-
surement is given for example in the DWA information
sheet no. 256 "Prozessmesstechnik auf Kläranlagen, Teil
8: Messeinrichtungen zur Bestimmung des Schlammspie-
gels" (Process measuring technique at wastewater treat-
ment plants, part 8: Instrumentation for determination of the
sludge level".
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