3 export sample data – YSI BOD Analyst Pro User Manual
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YSI BOD Analyst Pro
User Manual
size and orientation.
Below is the printed graph. Note that the graph adds Facility information that is set up under main
menu Setup / Facility.
Title, along with legends and axes labels, appear along with date/time stamps.
The graph/plot features work well to take a quick look at a database file to compare one or two
parameters over time. For example the effluent as a single parameter would be useful to follow
over time. Some of the seasonal fluctuations can be interesting. In addition comparing two
parameters as done above with the GGA standard and the influent makes a good plot to take a
quick look at seed function as it applies to BOD of the influent.
Next the use of exporting data to the spreadsheet application of your choice will be described.
Click on Trending / Graph to bring up the following screen onto you PC monitor just as in the
Graph/Plot functions. However, this time click on the Export Data button.