YSI BOD Analyst Pro User Manual
Page 17

YSI BOD Analyst Pro
User Manual
4. Set up Samples. By default BOD Analyst Pro has three entries in the Sample Setup. They
are DilBlank (dilution blank), Seed, and Standard (e.g., GGA Standard). Open each sample
field to gain familiarity.
Locate the bottom left field and change the Standard Sample from “No Seeding” to “Seed”
and enter “2” for ml of seed to each bottle.
Next create two new samples using the Add New icon. Name one Influent and configure 3
dilutions (bottles) at 8, 10, and 12 milliliters. Name the second sample Effluent and configure
3 dilutions (bottles) at 75, 100 and 150 ml. Designate both samples with 2 ml of seed each.
One example screen is shown below for reference. This is the new sample named Influent.
See Section 2 and Section 3 to learn more about defining Samples and Seeding Samples,