YSI BOD Analyst Pro User Manual

Page 72

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YSI BOD Analyst Pro


User Manual


The graph now compares two parameters over the same time period. The Blue line (top) is the
Standard and the red line (bottom) is the Raw Sewage or influent in the wastewater treatment

There are limitations to the Graph/Plot functions. First is that only two samples may be compared
at one time. Second is that the axis is not scaled for individual plots so comparing very small y-
values with very large y-values between two samples will limit resolution in the small values.
Third, graphing mean value, max value, and min value is limited to the first parameter (blue line).
Despite these limitations the function is quick and easy to use for some basic comparisons. For
more detailed analysis of data see the Export Data function that is described below.

When you set up to print the graph configure it on screen as you would like to view it and then
click the Plot button. A Select Printer window will appear from which you select the printer of
your choice. You also have options related to font size and portrait or landscape orientation.

A figure of the Print configuration screen is shown below as well as the plot of the Standard as a
single parameter graph.

To the right is a figure of the
printer selection window with
some functionality related to font