3 quick start guide – YSI BOD Analyst Pro User Manual

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YSI BOD Analyst Pro


User Manual



Once you install BOD Analyst Pro on your PC, make connections and communicate properly
with your DO instrument, you may find the steps below useful to quickly setup and run a batch of
samples. These steps are listed mainly to introduce you to the program. Please read the entire user
manual for better understanding of the many features available for your BOD application.

1. Verify that the Data Directory (path) is correct. The default directory path is

C:\BOD\DATA\DATA.MDB as shown in the upper left corner of the Bench Sheet. This is
the data path that will be used in this example. See Page 6 above for reference.

2. Enter facility information under Setup / Facility. This information will be printed as part

of the Bench Sheet. All fields will be empty by default. Enter relevant information or any
information as part of Quick Start. This will affect the look of the printed bench sheet.

3. Review BOD Analyst Pro default settings. When you first use the software some settings

will be defaulted to the commonly used settings. For example, the bottle volume is set to be
300 ml and dilution will be in ml. You may want to review these settings before you start and
change some to fit your needs. The following figures summarize all settings and options
available. Tip strips appear when you hover the mouse over the parameter description; the
tips provide information such as numerical limits.