YSI BOD Analyst Pro User Manual
Page 25

YSI BOD Analyst Pro
User Manual
Dilution Setup
From Setup / General you choose the units of the dilutions. You may select ml or %. Once
selected and confirmed on the General Setup Form by clicking OK, the message on the Sample
Setup Form will “note” which units are in use. See Sample Form above.
If you change dilution units on the General Setup Form this will affect your sample dilutions
previously entered. The numbers will not change so the BOD calculations may not reflect what
you intend. Make certain you choose correctly the first time and avoid the mistake of changing
this General Setup Form parameter without re-entering the corrected numbers in the Sample
Setup Form.
You may enter up to 5 dilutions for any Sample. Your dilution will typically be a whole number
but you may enter numbers to the right of a decimal point. Due to limited character space on the
YSI 5000/5100 display avoid more than 4 characters/spaces total. Appropriate entries would be
dilutions in ml of 300, 100, 75, 2.5 for example. If you were to enter 100 ml of sample into a 300
ml bottle and express it in % it would be 33.33333 ad infinitum. Truncate to 3.3% or 3.33% in
your entry.
Seed Control Sample Name
This field is used to indicate the name of the seed control sample. Note that you will have to
define your seed control samples before you can define any seeded samples. It is customary to
define your dilution blank, seed(s), and standard before moving on to other samples in an
intended batch. For example, if you use an influent sample for seeding other samples in the batch,
you must define this sample early in the setup. You must set up the Influent sample and check it
for “Use as seed” prior to assigning seed in another sample.
Use the pull-down menu in the Seed field to reveal the defined seeds. No Seeding is one choice
and only previously defined samples where you checked the box “Use as seed” will appear on the
list. Click on the seed of your choice for the sample you are defining. If you “seed”, you must
enter a quantity.
Seed Quantity in ml
The interpretation of this field depends on the seeding method that you select on the General
Setup Form. If you choose to add seed directly to each bottle, then the number in this field
represents the number of milliliters (ml) of seed material in each seeded bottle.
If you choose to add seed material to the dilution water, then the number represents the number of
milliliters of seed material in each liter (ml/L) of the dilution water that is used for seeded
samples. You enter the value with the understanding that it is ml seed / liter dilution water. Each
bottle now has a seed quantity reflected by the amount of dilution water in the bottle.
If checked this is a Glucose/Glutamic Acid (GGA standard) test. Standard tests have literature
documented minimum and maximum values. The documented values are set in software as the
default values in mg/L BOD (163 min; 237 max), but may be changed by the user when setting
up Criteria (see Section 10, Customizing Your Program).