Appendix e glossary – YSI 30 User Manual
Page 49
YSI, Incorporated
Model 30/30M
ampere (A) - SI unit of electric current
amplitude - The maximum deviation of an alternating current from its average value during its
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
calibrate - To determine, check, or rectify the graduation of any instrument giving quantitative
calibrator solution - A solution of known value used to calibrate.
capacitance (C) - The ratio of the total charge on an isolated conductor to its potential; the property
of being able to collect a charge of electricity. C = Q/V.
capacitor - An electrical component able to accumulate and hold an electric charge.
cell constant (K) - The ratio of the distance between two electrodes to the area normal to the current
flow. K=d/A.
cgs - Abbreviation for the centimeter-gram-second system of units. Mostly superseded by SI units.
conductance (k) - The ratio of the current in a conductor to the potential difference between its
ends; the ability of a conductor to transmit current; the reciprocal of resistance. The SI unit is
siemens (S), also measured in mhos.
conductivity (
ℵ) - The ratio of the current density in a conductor to the electric field causing the
current to flow; the inverse of resistivity; the conductance between opposite faces of a cube of the
measured material of 1 cm (cgs units) or 1 m (SI units) edge. Measured in mhos/cm (cgs units) or
S/m (SI units)
conductivity cell - Any cell with electrodes used to measure the conductivity of liquid.
current (I) - The rate of flow of an electric charge, usually expressed in amperes.
electrode - A conductor whereby an electric current enters or leaves a liquid, gas, or vacuum.
ion - Any atom or molecule that has an electric charge due to the loss or gain of valence electrons.
mks - Abbreviation for the meter-kilogram-second system of units.
mho - A unit of conductance; the reciprocal of an ohm.
micro (
µ) - The metric prefix indicating 10
milli (m) - The metric prefix indicating 10
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology. The US government agency that defines
measurement standards in the United States.
ohm (
Ω) - SI unit of resistance
OIML - Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale