Analytical Industries GPR-2500 Series Oxygen Transmitter User Manual

Page 17

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Installing the Oxygen Sensor
The GPR-2500/2500MO Oxygen Transmitter is normally equipped with an integral oxygen sensor. It has been
tested and calibrated by the manufacturer prior to shipment and are fully operational from the shipping container.

However, when the application requires a remote sensor (external to the electronics enclosure) or other special

circumstances, the oxygen sensor will be packaged separately and must be installed prior to operating the

transmitter. If the sensor has not been installed at the factory, it will be necessary to install the sensor in the field.
Caution: All transmitters must be calibrated once the installation has been completed and periodically thereafter

as described below. Following the initial installation and calibration, allow the transmitters to stabilize for 24 hours
and calibrate with certified span gas.
Caution: DO NOT open the oxygen sensor. The sensor contains a corrosive liquid electrolyte that could be harmful

if touched or ingested, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet contained in the Owner’s Manual appendix. Avoid

contact with any liquid or crystal type powder in or around the sensor or sensor housing, as either could be a form

of electrolyte. Leaking sensors should be disposed of in manner similar to that of a common battery in accordance

with local regulations.
Caution: Do not change the factory settings until instructed to do in this manual.
Integral Oxygen Sensor:
1. Remove the four (4) screws securing the top section of

the enclosure, set them aside for reinstallation and raise

the hinged top section 180º until it locks in place.

2. Caution: Do not remove or discard the gaskets from

either the enclosure or junction box. Failure to reinstall

either gasket will void the NEMA 4 rating and RFI


3. The transmitters design provides protection from RFI

that is maintained by leaving specific mating areas of the
enclosure unpainted to maintain conductivity the gasket,

top and bottom sections of the enclosure. These

unpainted areas are protected by gaskets and contribute

to maintaining the NEMA 4 rating. Do not paint these

areas. Painting will negate the RFI protection.

4. Remove the oxygen sensor from the bag.
5. Screw the oxygen sensor into the sensor flow housing,

equipped with elbows and tubing, finger tighten plus one

half (1/2) turn to ensure a good seal from the o-ring

affixed to the sensor.

6. Remove the shorting device (looped wire) from the receptacle located at the rear of the sensor. Minimize the

time the sensor is exposed to ambient air.

7. Assure the keyway registration of the female plug on the cable and male receptacle on the sensor match up.
8. Push the female plug (including the knurled lock nut) molded to the cable into the male receptacle attached to

the new sensor.

9. Screw the knurled lock nut attached the cable onto to the male connector attached to the sensor, tighten

finger tight plus ¼ turn.

This manual is related to the following products: