13 serial port console redirection, Serial port console redirection -25, Com1/com2 console redirection [disabled/enabled – Asus RS100-E8-PI2 User Manual
Page 95: Com1/com2 console redirection settings
COM1/COM2 Console Redirection [Disabled/Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the console redirection feature. Configuration options:
[Disabled] [Enabled]
The Console Redirection Settings becomes configurable when Console Redirection is
set to [Enabled].
5.4.13 Serial Port Console Redirection
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2012 American Megatrends, Inc.
Console Redirection
Enable or Disable.
Console Redirection
Console Redirection Settings
Console Redirection
Console Redirection Settings
Serial Port for Out-of-Band Management/
Windows Emergency Management Services (EMS)
Console Redirection
Console Redirection Settings
COM1/COM2 Console Redirection Settings
These settings specify how the host computer and the remote computer will exchange data.
Both computers should have the same or compatible settings.
Terminal Type [VT-UTF8]
Allows you to set the terminal type.
ASCII character set.
Extends VT100 to support color, function keys, etc.
Uses UTF8 encoding to map Unicode characters onto
1 or more bytes
Extended ASCII character set
Bits per second [57600]
Selects serial port transmission speed. The speed must match the recipient. Long or
noisy lines may require lower speeds. Configuration options: [9600] [19200] [38400]
[57600] [115200]
Data Bits [8]
Allows you to set the data bits. Configuration options: [7] [8]
Parity [None]
Allows you to select the parity bit. A parity bit is sent with the data bits to detect
transmission errors. Configuration options: [None] [Even] [Odd] [Mark] [Space]
Stop Bits [1]
Stop bits indicate the end of a serial data packet. (A start bit indicates the beginning.)
The standard setting is 1 stop bit. Communication with slow hardware may require
more than 1 stop bit. Configuration options: [1] [2]