3 cpu configuration, Cpu.ratio.adjustment.[auto,[enabled – Asus P5GC User Manual

Page 79: Max cpuid value limit [disabled

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CPU Configuration

The items in this menu show the CPU-related information that the BIOS

automatically detects.


Allows you to enable or disable the CPU ratio adjustment function.

Configuration options: [Auto] [Manual].

Ratio CMOS Setting: [7]

Sets the ratio between CPU Core Clock and the FSB Frequency.


Allows you to enable or disable C1E suupport.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Max CPUID Value Limit [Disabled]

Setting this item to [Enabled] allows legacy operating systems to boot even without

support for CPUs with extended CPUID functions.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled].

Configure Advanced CPU settings

Manufacturer: Intel

Brand String: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6300@ 1.86GHz

Frequency : 1.86 MHz

FSB Speed : 1066 MHz
Cache L1 : 64 KB

Cache L2 : 2048 KB

Ratio Status: Unlocked (Max: 07, Min: 06)

Ratio Actual Value: 7


CPU ratio adjustment


C1E Support


Max CPUID Value Limit:


Vanderpool Technology


CPU TM function


Execute Disable Bit


Enable or Disable

Microcode Update

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v02.53 (C)Copyright 1985-2007, American Megatrends, Inc.



Core Multi-Processing


Intel(R) SpeedStep(tm) tech. [Disabled]

The following items appear only when this item is set to [Manual].