2 keyboard features – Asus A7V333-X User Manual

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ASUS A7V333-X Motherboard


SMART Monitoring [Disabled]

This field allows you to enable or disable the S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis
and Reporting Technology) system that utilizes internal hard disk drive monitoring
technology. This parameter is normally disabled because the resources used in the
SMART monitoring feature may decrease system performance. Configuration
options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

PIO Mode [4]

This option lets you set a PIO (Programmed Input/Output) mode for the IDE
device. Modes 0 through 4 provide successive increase in performance.
Configuration options: [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]

Ultra DMA Mode [Disabled]

Ultra DMA capability allows improved transfer speeds and data integrity for
compatible IDE devices. Set to [Disabled] to suppress Ultra DMA capability. To
make changes to this field, set the Type field to [User Type HDD]. Configuration
options: [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [Disabled]

2.3.2 Keyboard Features

Boot Up NumLock Status [On]

This field enables users to activate the Number Lock function upon system boot.
Configuration options: [Off] [On]

Keyboard Auto-Repeat Rate [12/Sec]

This controls the speed at which the system registers repeated keystrokes.
Options range from 6 to 30 characters per second. Configuration options: [6/Sec]
[8/Sec] [10/Sec] [12/Sec] [15/Sec] [20/Sec] [24/Sec] [30/Sec]

Keyboard Auto-Repeat Delay [1/4 Sec]

This field sets the time interval for displaying the first and second characters.
Configuration options: [1/4 Sec] [1/2 Sec] [3/4 Sec] [1 Sec]