Asus P5ND2-SLI Deluxe User Manual
Page 105

A S U S P 5 N D 2 - S L I D e l u x e
A S U S P 5 N D 2 - S L I D e l u x e
A S U S P 5 N D 2 - S L I D e l u x e
A S U S P 5 N D 2 - S L I D e l u x e
A S U S P 5 N D 2 - S L I D e l u x e
4 - 3 1
4 - 3 1
4 - 3 1
4 - 3 1
4 - 3 1
: Select Item
-/+: Change Value
F5: Setup Defaults
ESC: Exit
: Select Menu
Enter: Select Sub-menu
F10: Save and Exit
Select Menu
Item Specific Help
Press [Enter] to Set.
CPU/Memory Configuration
PCIE Frequency (MHz)
FSB Turbo Mode
System Clock Mode
x New FSB Speed (QDR)
Current FSB Speed (QDR)
800.0 MHz
x New MEM Speed (DDR)
Current MEM Speed (DDR)
533.3 MHz
Phoenix-Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility
CPU/Memory Frequency
CPU/Memory Frequency
CPU/Memory Frequency
CPU/Memory Frequency
CPU/Memory Frequency
This sub-menu allows you to set CPU, PCI Express, and memory related
fields. Set the O v e r c l o c k P r o f i l e
O v e r c l o c k P r o f i l e
O v e r c l o c k P r o f i l e
O v e r c l o c k P r o f i l e
O v e r c l o c k P r o f i l e to Manual, if you want to configure this
PCIE Frequency [100]
Allows you to set the PCI Express frequency. Key-in a decimal value
between 100-150 MHz. Configuration options: [100MHz] [101MHz] ~
Selecting a very high PCIE frequency may cause the system to become
unstable! If this happens, revert to the default setting.
FSB Turbo Mode [Disabled]
Enables or disables the Front Side Bus (FSB) turbo mode.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
System Clock Mode [Optimal]
Sets the system clock mode. The default setting [Optimal],
automatically sets the FSB and memory speeds. Set to [Linked] if you
want the system to overclock proportionally, setting to [Expert]
allows you to manually input the FSB and memory speeds.
Configuration options: [Optimal] [Linked] [Expert]