Configurations, Presets, Blog article by bob katz – Universal Audio UAD Plug-Ins ver.7.4.2 User Manual
Page 346: Precision k-stereo controls, Control arrangements, Control adjustments

UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual
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Chapter 35: Precision K-Stereo Ambience Recovery
Precision K-Stereo is optimized for use in stereo-in/stereo-out configurations.
However, ambience recovery is possible on monophonic source recordings
when the plug-in is used in a mono-in/stereo-out configuration. Mono signals
are “stereo-ized” in the MISO context.
Due to the inherent stereo nature of the ambience recovery process,
Precision K-Stereo is not intended for use in mono-in/mono-out configurations.
Precision K-Stereo includes factory presets designed by Bob Katz. A list of
these presets and their application notes are at the end of this chapter.
Blog Article by Bob Katz
Bob Katz has contributed a blog article that contains lots of interesting details
and application tips for Precision K-Stereo. The article is published on our
Precision K-Stereo Controls
Precision K-Stereo controls are grouped into four sections: Ambience Recov-
ery, Ambience Filters (EQ), Mid/Side, and L/R Gain. The detailed control de-
scriptions are similarly grouped.
For the main switches (Recover, EQ, etc.), click the switch to toggle the setting.
The switch is engaged when it is illuminated.
For the knob controls, values can be adjusted with the mouse or values can be
entered directly via text entry. Additionally, when the tickmarks and/or values
around the knob are clicked, the knob will jump to that setting. The “big
knobs” (Ambience Gain, Mid/Side Gain, and L/R Gain) can be returned to
the zero value by clicking the control label above the knobs.
Precision K-Stereo switch engaged (left) and disabled (right).