SENA HD1100 User Manual
Page 14
Starter Kit and User Manual for the HelloDevice 1100
4.3 Configuring Network
In order for a HelloDevice to function as a server on the network, a static IP address must be set for the
HelloDevice. This section describes how to configure and change IP address for a HelloDevice.
4.3.1 Setting IP Address
The HelloDevice Utility Software is used to set up an IP address for a HelloDevice by utilizing BOOTP
(BOOTstrap Protocol), which is defined in the Internet protocol standard, RFC-951 and RFC-1542. The Utility
Software provides BOOTP a server function, and will respond to the BOOTP request of the HelloDevice.
Since the factory default setting of the HelloDevice IP address is, the HelloDevice sends BOOTP request
for IP assignment, when it is powered up for the first time. Thus, users can see Tx LED keeps blinking
periodically as a reminder (See Figure 3.1, Status LED).
Since IP address of the HelloDevice is managed by an IP address database, a properly allocated MAC
address record should be entered into the database. For a valid IP address, users should ask their network
Take the following steps to set up the IP address, using the HelloDevice Utility Software.
BOOTP server function
IP address tracing/modifying function
BOOTP database list
BOOTP database record
management function
Figure 4.6 IP address setting screen of the HelloDevice utility software
MAC(Media Access Control) address is total 6 bytes and it is composed of 3 bytes-organization code and 3
bytes-product code. MAC address of HelloDevice is composed of 00-01-95 which is a company code and xx-xx-
xx which is a product code. E.g. 00-01-95-01-aa-08