Run ooibase32 – Ocean Optics DAQ700 User Manual

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A dialog box giving the current hardware setting appears. On the right side of the Value box are two small
arrows: one up and one down. You must use these arrows to change the hardware interface parameters of either
the Input/Output Range or the Interrupt Request.


While making this change, notice the Conflict information area at the bottom. Make sure you choose a value
that says No devices are conflicting. If it shows a conflict, you must select a different value. After selecting
values with no conflicts, click OK. You will then see the “Creating a Forced Configuration” message box.
Click Yes.


Note your values of both the Input/Output Range (Base Address) and the Interrupt Request (IRQ). When you
first run OOIBase32, you must enter these values in the “Configure Hardware” dialog box.

Run OOIBase32

After you restart your computer, navigate to the OOIBase32 icon and select it. The very first time you run
OOIBase32 after installation, you must follow several prompts before you can begin taking measurements.

Operator and Serial Number Dialog Box

First, a prompt to enter a user name and serial number appears. Certain data files will include this information in the
header. (If, at a later date, you wish to change the operator name and serial number, select Edit | Settings from the
menu and then choose the Registration tab.) Click OK.

Default Spectrometer Configuration File

Next, the following message appears:

This appears to be the first time OOIBase32 has been executed. Please select a spectrometer
configuration file from the following screen. This spectrometer configuration file will be used each
time OOIBase32 is started.

A file open dialog box then appears. Navigate to the OOIBase32 directory, and choose the default spectrometer
configuration file -- the file with .spec as the extension, preceded by the serial number of your spectrometer. (A
default spectrometer configuration file will be named something similar to



Installation Instructions: DAQ-700 (for Windows 95/98 Users)

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