Configure the daq-700 – Ocean Optics DAQ700 User Manual
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You should hear two tones of increasing pitch. If you do not, and you do have internal speakers in your notebook
computer, try turning the speaker volume up and reinserting the DAQ-700. If you still do not hear the “happy”
sound, contact our Technical Support Department.
Configure the DAQ-700
If you hear the “happy” sound, click Start, and select Settings | Control Panel.
Double-click the System icon. Select the Device Manager tab.
In the “Device Manager” dialog box, find the hardware group named Data Acquisition Devices. Either
double-click the group or select the group and click Properties.
Under the Data Acquisition Devices group, find the entry for your DAQ-700. Either double-click DAQCard-700,
or select the entry and click Properties.
Once you have selected your DAQCard-700 from
the Device Manager, click the Resources tab.
The entries here control the hardware interface to
your DAQ-700.
In this dialog box, find the check box next to
Use automatic settings. Clear that check box
(deselect it).
In the same dialog box, you will see entries for
Input/Output Range and Interrupt Request. The
Input/Output Range corresponds to the Base
Address, and the Interrupt Request corresponds
to the IRQ in our software. By deselecting the
Use automatic settings box in the previous step,
you disabled Plug-and-Play for the DAQ-700.
But in order to fully disable Plug-and-Play, you
must also change the settings for either (or both)
the Input/Output Range or the Interrupt Request.
To make this change, double-click either
Input/Output Range or Interrupt Request.
Installation Instructions: DAQ-700 (for Windows 95/98 Users)
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