Ocean Optics LIBS Imaging Module User Manual
Libs imaging module, Installation and operation instructions, Description

LIBS Imaging Module
Installation and Operation Instructions
The Ocean Optics LIBS Imaging Module consists of a PixeLINK™ Megapixel FireWire Camera
(black and white or color) in a box mounted in between the LIBS laser and the LIBS Sample Chamber
(LIBS-SC) as they are stacked on top of each other. This product is designed to enable you to
precisely adjust the laser to focus on the exact spot on the sample that you wish to analyze. The LIBS
Imaging Module also comes with PixeLINK software for the camera to capture high quality images on
your PC. The camera is connected to the PC by a single FireWire interface and all camera functions
are controlled by the PixeLINK software. The LIBS Imaging Module was designed to work only with
the LIBS Sample Chamber (LIBS-SC).
Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is a laser spark analytical technique used to determine
the elemental composition of various solids, liquids and gases. A high-power laser pulse is focused on
to a sample to create a plasma or laser spark. The atoms and ions in the plasma emit light energy that
is collected by a lens or fiber optic cable and analyzed by a time-gated spectrometer. The atomic
spectral lines can be used to determine elemental composition (and concentrations in some systems).
One of the benefits is that little or no sample preparation is required, making the technique field-
portable. Additionally, the system needs only trace amounts of a sample to make measurements, so it’s
a practical tool for scanning applications. For more information about the Ocean Optics LIBS systems,
visit our website at