Ocean Optics CUV-TLC-50F User Manual

Page 26

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A: Serial Control for the CUV-TLC-50F

Table 1: Serial Commands (Cont’d)

Command Response

[F1 IS ?]

[F1 IS 0+-S]

Query: What is the current instrument status?

Reply: no unreported error (0 or 1)

temperature control is on (+ or -)

temperature is stable (S or C)

stirrer is off (+ or -)

[F1 IS +5]

Automatically report instrument status every 5 seconds

[F1 IS +]

Automatically report instrument status whenever it changes (e.g., due
to manual changes at controller)

[F1 IS -]

Stop, periodic or automatic reports of instrument status

[F1 CT ?]

[F1 CT 22.8]

Query: report the current temperature

Reply: the current temperature is 22.8° C

[F1 ER +]

[F1 ER -]

Automatically report errors when they occur

Stop automatic error reports

Ramping Commands

[F1 RS S XX]

Set Ramping Seconds, the time increment of the ramp rate (positive
integer in seconds)

[F1 RT S XX]

Set Ramping Temperature, the temperature increment of the ramp
rate (positive integer in hundredths of a °C)

When the Controller is restarted (by being powered off and back on again), it automatically sends the
message [F1 IS R] to notify the program of the restart.

