Ocean Optics SIR Series User Manual
Page 9
External Trigger: This selects if the spectrometer will deliver an external trigger.
This is only necessary when working with non-continuous sources or trying to
synchronize with external events.
Internal Clock: This programs the spectrometer to deliver a selected pulse of
programmed width, with each acquisition trigger of the Analog to Digital
Fan: This will turn the fan on or off, generally it is OK to leave the fan off, when
operating in warm environments the fan is recommended to keep the system
Filter: This setting is on or off and this will actively switch the position of the
internal filter wheel if it is present.
Shut Down:
This controls the shutdown state of the internal power supply for the
spectrometer. This should be set to off for normal operation.
Configuring the range:
- Apex 785 Raman (1 page)
- STS-UV (2 pages)
- TR2 Engineering Note (4 pages)
- SAD500 Communications and Control (19 pages)
- Red Tide USB650 Install (26 pages)
- Fiber Optic Termination Kit (6 pages)
- Transmissive pH Probe (10 pages)
- Remora (42 pages)
- PlasCalc (59 pages)
- Correcting Device Driver Issues (8 pages)
- ecoVis Krypton Light Source (16 pages)
- LPC-500CM (28 pages)
- HPX-2000 (24 pages)
- ADC1000-USB (27 pages)
- Torus Operating Instructions (30 pages)
- ADC2000-PCI (13 pages)
- Sensors for Real-Time Analysis (2 pages)
- IDRaman reader (2 pages)
- DH-2000-CAL (30 pages)
- QE65 Pro (32 pages)
- Collimating Lenses (2 pages)
- D1000 (2 pages)
- IDRaman mini (2 pages)
- HR2000CG-UV-NIR (42 pages)
- Cool Red (1 page)
- HL-2000 (20 pages)
- XE-1 Xenon (6 pages)
- USB-ADP Serial Adapters (3 pages)
- CHEM2000 (36 pages)
- Deuterium-Halogen Calibration Light Source (19 pages)
- NeoFox Engineering Note (30 pages)
- QE Pro (2 pages)
- OOIBase32 (140 pages)
- AR-1 Argon (6 pages)
- pH Sensor Patches, Probes and Cuvettes (36 pages)
- SpecLine Offline Spectroscopy (60 pages)
- HL-2000-HP-232 (26 pages)
- External Triggering Options Instructions for Spectrometers with Firmware Version 3.0 and Above (16 pages)
- Breakout Box (10 pages)
- USB-ISS-UV_VIS (4 pages)
- ISS-UV_VIS (6 pages)
- OOIColor (14 pages)
- LS-1 Series (12 pages)
- Apex Install (24 pages)
- DH-2000 (34 pages)