Configure the ooibase32 software – Ocean Optics ADC2000-PCI User Manual
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Installing and Using the ADC2000-PCI
4. Locate an open PCI-bus slot on the PC motherboard and remove the slot protector from the rear of the
PCI slots on the PC motherboard (shorter white slots)
5. Insert the A/D card into a PCI slot on the motherboard. Press down gently and rock the card back and forth
until it settles firmly into the PCI slot. The card must be fully seated in the motherboard for proper operation.
6. Fasten a screw through the A/D card into the rear panel of the computer to secure the card in place.
Note: Do not bend the card or move it from side to side once it is seated in the PCI slot.
7. Attach the D37 end of the cable that came with your ADC2000-PCI and connect the D25 end to the
8. Reinstall the PC access panel and power up the PC.
Configure the OOIBase32 Software
You will need to configure OOIBase32 before using the ADC2000-PCI and your spectrometer. For details on
using OOIBase32, consult the OOIBase32 Spectrometer Operating Software Manual, which can be found on the
Software and Technical Resources CD and the Ocean Optics web site.
The following steps provide instruction on starting and configuring the OOIBase32 software with the ADC2000-
ADC2000-PCI Operating Instructions
1. Select
Start > Programs > Ocean Optics > OOIBase32 and click on the OOIBase32 icon. If you are
configuring OOIBase32 for the first time, the Configure Hardware screen appears: