Crown Audio PIP-Lite Module User Manual

Page 38

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Networked PIP Series

page 38

Reference Manual

The SLM tab allows you to test network-PIP components for impedance vs. frequency and
frequency response. The USP3 and USP3/CN include a signal generator to provide a swept
sine-wave signal for the tests. Described below are the three sections of the SLM tab:
Sweep, Channel SLM and Tolerance.

The Sweep section of the SLM tab is used to set the sine-wave sweep parameters:
• Start frequency
• Stop frequency
• Sine Wave Generator Signal Level (– infinity to + 20 dBu)
• Resolution (frequency step size of the test sweep)

You can set the sweep’s start and stop frequencies either with the Start and Stop drop-down
menus, or with the sliders on the frequency scale at the bottom. IQwic maintains at least
1/24 octave difference between the Start and Stop frequencies.

Note: Please see the online help for assistance with the software navigation.

Channel System and Load Monitoring

This section of the SLM tab (one section per channel) allows you to set up tests. Basically
you run a reference curve on a known good component, then run tests at a future date.
Those test results will be compared to the measured reference values.

The Mode drop-down menu selects the type of test:
Off-Pass means that no testing actually is taking place. The PIP reports back a "pass"
condition so that errors are not triggered.
Impedance Test means that the PIP card measures the impedance of the load currently
connected to the amplifier and compares it to the reference curve stored earlier. If it is out of
tolerance then the software reports an error.
Frequency Test means that the PIP card measures the frequency response of the amplifier
and DSP, and compares it to the reference stored earlier. If it is outside of the tolerance then
the software reports an error.
Imp./Freq. Test combines both of the tests above.