Advanced features and options – Crown Audio PIP-USP4 Module User Manual

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Networked PIP Series

Reference Manual

page 11

Advanced Features and Options

Using the AUX Connector
The AUX connector offers a means to tap some of the fl exibility of the Harman Pro System
Architect. It can be used to enable peripherals, send a signal to another system component,
and send a line-level audio signal of the amplifi er’s output.

The AUX connector is an RJ-11 type. Pins 3 and 4 are used as a control output. Pins 2 and
3 function as a control input. Pin 5 is a voltage supply pin for use with the control input.

AUX Input
In its basic input mode, the AUX input allows an external input source to be detected by
the software. This input can be a temperature sensor, door closure switch, or operator
pushbutton. It can be used by the software to change confi guration settings on any or all
system devices. See the Harman Pro System Architect Help fi les for exact information.

Pin 4 of the AUX connector is a power-supply pin designed for use by the AUX input pin.
Since the AUX input fl oats low, the AUX input can be triggered by just a simple switch
closure between it and the AUX power pin. No external power supply is needed to operate
the AUX input under most conditions. If the AUX input is used to sense an externally
supplied voltage it must be scaled so that low inputs are between 0 and 1.6 VDC, and high
inputs are between 4 and 15 VDC. Externally supplied voltages should be referenced to
AUX ground on pin 3.

Both, the PIP-Lite and the PIP-USP4-CN feature AUX input enhance modes. The PIP-Lite
and the USP4-CN supports seven modes. The fi rst six modes allow the AUX input to mute
or power-down either or both channels; the seventh allows for incrementing the preset.
The AUX Input Inversion Control allows either a high or low AUX input to activate these
functions. These modes can be used for emergency mute for a fi re alarm system. A simple
switch closure from the alarm system would disable an entire sound system when a fi re
alarm is activated.

Wiring a Remote Preset Selector