Aoyue 936 规格, Operating guidelines, Care and maintenance – Prokit's Industries SS-227 User Manual

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Aoyue 936 规格


7. Adjust the offset number until the external temperature sensor

reading is equal to our set temperature.

8. Repeatedly press the SET button until the display shows the word

“SAUE”. Press the increase button to save and exit from the system
configuration mode.

9. The tip has now been properly calibrated.

The timer display can be turned on or off by the following method.
1. Set to desired working temperature.
2. While the unit is ON , press and hold the set button.Wait for the

upper display to change to “Set 01”.

3. Repeatedly press the set button unit upper display shows “Set 05”.

The lower display would show “ ON or OFF” . Press the increase or
decrees button to switch between On and OFF state

4. To save the settings repeatedly press the SET button until the

display shows “SAVE”. Press the decrease button to save the
settings and exit from the settings adjusment mode.

Display Guide:

Cancel system changes, exit from system configuration mode with-
out saving any changes.

System Secure function is activated.

Save system changes. Save system configuration and exit from
system configuration mode.

In sleep mode.

Error message0. Signifies problem with sensor or pen connection.

Error message1. Signifies problem with heater.

The letter “b” indicates system has been idle and will enter sleep
mode after sleep timer expires.



1. Tip Temperature :

High temperature shortens tip life and

may cause thermal shock to components. Always use the lowest
possible temperature when soldering.

2. Cleaning :

Always clean the soldering tip before use to remove

any residual solder or flux

adhering to it. Use a clean and moist

cleaning sponge. Contaminants on the tip have many detrimental
effects including reduced heat conductivity which contribute


poor soldering performance.

3. After usage: Always clean the tip and coat it with fresh solder

after use. This guards against oxidation and pro-longs tip life.

4. System Care: Never allow the unit to stay idle at high temperature

for extended periods. Utilize the automated sleep feature to con-
serve energy, pro-long tip and heating element life. If unit will not
be used for long periods it is advised to power down the unit and
unplug from the mains.

5. Inspecting and cleaning the tip:

Set the temperature to 250



When the temperature stabilizes, clean the tip and check its condi-
tion. If the tip is badly worn or deformed, replace it.

If the solder plated part of the tip is covered with black oxide, apply
fresh solder containing flux and clean the tip again. Repeat until all
the oxide is removed hen coat the tip with fresh solder.

Never file the tip to remove oxide.

Remaining oxides such as the yellow discoloration on the tip shaft
can be removed with isopropyl alcohol.