Newport Brass 118 Brasstech User Manual

Newport Brass For Home

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Installation Instructions
No. 117 & 118 Garbage
Disposer Flange & Stopper

The Brasstech No. 117 or 118 Garbage Disposer Flange and Stopper fit most garbage

disposers. The basic manufactures of disposers are In-Sink-Erator, General Electric, Waste
King, Whiterock and Whirlaway. Some of these manufacturers also make disposers for other
manufacturers and distributors who sell them under their own name brand. If your existing
garbage disposer flange (the part that sits in the sink bottom and attaches to the disposer
motor) looks like any of the three cross sections below; the Brasstech No. 117 or 118 will fit.
If you have the In-Sink-Erator type cross section, place the rubber ring with the sharp point
(one of the two rings supplied) in the bottom groove of the flange as shown in Figure 1. If
you have one of the other cross sections (Whirlaway, General Electric, Waste King or
Whiterock) place the other rubber ring in either the top or bottom groove as shown in
Figure 2 & 3. When the correct rubber ring has been installed, simply push the flange into the
existing flange, making sure it seats firmly. If you wish to remove the No. 117 or 118 flange
once it is installed, simply pull up on it. NO sealant is required to hold it in place. Once the
No. 117 or 118 flange is in place, push the stopper into it if desired.

Figure 1

Whirlaway and General Electric

(cross section)

In - Sink - Erator

(cross section)

Grooved Rubber Ring

Sharp Pointed Rubber Ring

Figure 3

Figure 2

Waste King and Whiterock

(cross section)

(949) 417-5207

BRS-117 Santa Ana, Ca. 92705
