American Car Craft Camaro Rocker Panel Deluxe Kit Polished 6Pc 2010-2013 User Manual

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forming at the rear quarter area. With your friend holding the panel towards the front
of the car, gently form the panel little by little until you achieve a nice contoured shape
in the rear quarter area. You will not be able to completely and perfectly form the panel
as this area is contoured however it is very important to get it as close as you can. The
long thin front part of the panel will require no forming but you will need to make sure
that the panel is mounted with the tightest gap along the top of the panel under the
door area all the way to the front of the car. When you are ready to permanently attach
the section peel a small length of the red release liner from the front part of the section
and fold it over the edge to create a sort of pull tab. Hold the section firmly in place as
you pull the red release liner setting the panel as you go down the entire length until
the liner is completely removed. Force the contoured area against the paint with an
extreme amount of pressure using your cloth. At this point you panel will most likely
and completely conform to the car body however because you panel is a hand formed
but flat metal the panel will gradually pop away from the paint causing a gap between
the panel and body. In order to solve this gap problem we have provided you with a
automotive polyurethane body panel adhesive. This adhesive is a very strong
permanent type of adhesive and it will be able to bond the new panel to the body
allowing you to permanently form the panel to the car if you apply the adhesive in the
next step as directed. The 3m body panel adhesive will require a special type of
application gun you can find at any automotive body paint supply. The gun will be
. Since you will only need a small amount of adhesive to do the job we
recommend that you warm the adhesive with a heat gun or hair dryer. This will allow
you to push the two- part adhesive out of its dispenser using a couple of dowels
attached to a rectangle piece of plywood. This will save you about $90 bucks for the glue
gun you will only need once. We have provided you with this wooden set up to help you
do this.

5. We have provided you with several lengths of chrome trim. This chrome trim will be

used to finish the edges of the new rocker panel and close the gap between the new
rocker and the body of the car. Before you apply the chrome trim you will need to install
the adhesive first. By this time you will notice the gap forming at the rear quarter area.
It is this very small gap that we will apply the adhesive however in order to hold the
panel long enough to allow the adhesive to set you will need to set up some props for
the body panel that will allow you to force the panel firmly to the body and these props
will need to set in place overnight and will need to be done on both sides of the vehicle
at the same time. STEP 1: Acquire two tall five gallon buckets and two fifty pound bags
sands at home depot. This will cost about ten dollars for the buckets and another ten
dollars for the sand. Fill each bucket completely with the sand. This will create a very
heavy and firm prop. Heat the adhesive and force it into the gaps at both sides of the
car. Be careful not to allow the adhesive to ooze out of the panel as this will create a
very difficult mess. Apply some masking tape to the top edge of the panels to prevent
this from contacting the paint. With the adhesive in place prop the buckets so that the
heavy weight forces the panels nice and tight against the body and allow this to set in
place overnight. The next day the panels should be permanently adhered to the car