B&B Electronics FOSTCDRI-ST - Datasheet User Manual
Serial to single-mode fiber converter, Fostcdri-st, fostcdri-sc, Fiber optic benefits

meChaniCaL Diagram -
Serial to Single-mode Fiber Converter
B&B Electronics’ ILinx™ fiber converters designed with functionality
required for heavier industrial environments. Model FOSTCDRi-Sx
industrial-grade isolated converter changes RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485 to
single-mode fiber optics.
Designed for industry, FOSTCDRi-Sx extends serial data ranges up to 15
km (9 mi) and provides the most versatile connection possible between
asynchronous full or half-duplex serial equipment. In addition to direct
point-to-point connectivity, it is capable operating in a multi-drop mode.
This allows one serial device to communicate with up to 31 others around
a fiber optic ring. Since it supports mixed serial standards, it can replace
other converters and isolators and add the EMI/RFI immunity inherent to
fiber optic communications. Fiber optic connectors are SC or ST.
B&B Electronics’ Automatic Send Data Control circuit controls the RS-
422/485 driver chip, eliminating the requirement for special software.
Easy to install and configure, it has a 12-position DIP switch to set up the
RS-422/485 parameters and removable terminal blocks to connect serial
signals and power. In RS-232 mode, the FOSTCDRI-SC supports Transmit
Data and Receive Data. Handshaking signals are not passed through.
• Data rates up to 115.2 kbps
• 15 km (9 mi) range
• 10 to 48 VDC power input
• Wide operating temperature
• 2000V isolation
• Modbus ASCII/RTU compatible
• EMI/RFI protection
proDuCt FeatureS
MDR-20-24 - 24 VDC @ 1.0 A DIN rail mount power supply, slim-line
TBKT1 - Replacement Terminal Block, 2-position, 5.08mm
TBKT2 - Replacement Terminal Block, 5-position, 5.08mm
orDering inFormation
serial ConneCtor
Fiber ConneCtor
Terminal Blocks,
Single-mode SC
Terminal Blocks,
Single-mode ST
Fiber optic benefits
Fiber optic cable carries serial data up to 15 kilometers (9 miles), much
farther and reliably than conventional copper lines.
Power surges, spikes and groupd loops are created by electrical
equipment, by nearby lightning strikes, and from other sources. They
are easily picked up by copper data lines and transmitted to connected
devices, garbling data communications and damaging equipment.
However, fiber optic data transmission uses light in glass fiber cable as a
communication medium. Being inherently non-electric, fiber optic cable
will not pick up noise and provides the most reliable system possible
– ideal for spanning areas with severe interference, such as near heavy
electrical equipment, welding or radio transmissions. It does not transmit
power spikes or surges and prevents ground loops by not providing a
conductive path for the ground.
12.8 cm
5.0 in
9.7 cm
3.8 in
2.8 cm
1.1 in