Serial peripheral interface (spi) description – Rainbow Electronics ISD4004 User Manual

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ISD4004 Series




The ISD4004 series operates from an SPI serial inter-

face. The SPI interface operates with the following


The data transfer protocol assumes that the mi-

crocontroller’s SPI shift registers are clocked on the

falling edge of the SCLK. With the ISD4004, data is

clocked in on the MOSI pin on the rising clock

edge. Data is clocked out on the MISO pin on the

falling clock edge.

1. All serial data transfers begin with the falling

edge of SS pin.

2. SS is held LOW during all serial communica-

tions and held HIGH between instructions.

3. Data is clocked in on the rising clock edge

and data is clocked out on the falling clock


4. Play and Record operations are initiated by

enabling the device by asserting the SS pin

LOW, shifting in an opcode and an address

field to the ISD4004 device (refer to the Op-

code Summary on the page 6).

5. The opcodes and address fields are as fol-

lows: <8 control bits> and <16 address


6. Each operation that ends in an EOM or

Overflow will generate an interrupt, includ-

ing the Message Cueing cycles. The Inter-

rupt will be cleared the next time an SPI

cycle is initiated.

7. As Interrupt data is shifted out of the

ISD4004 MISO pin, control and address

data is simultaneously being shifted into

the MOSI pin. Care should be taken such

that the data shifted in is compatible with

current system operation. It is possible to

read interrupt data and start a new opera-

tion within the same SPI cycle.

8. An operation begins with the RUN bit set

and ends with the RUN bit reset.

9. All operations begin with the rising edge

of SS.


Message cueing allows the user to skip through

messages, without knowing the actual physical lo-

cation of the message. This operation is used dur-

ing playback. In this mode, the messages are

skipped 1600 times faster than in normal play-

back mode. It will stop when an EOM marker is

reached. Then, the internal address counter will

point to the next message.