Rainbow Electronics MAX66000 User Manual
Page 11

ISO/IEC 14443 Type B-Compliant
64-Bit UID
ISO/IEC 14443 Type B States and
This state applies if the slave is outside the master’s RF
field. A slave transitions to the POWER-OFF state when
leaving the power-delivering RF field. When entering
the RF field, the slave automatically transitions to the
IDLE state.
IDLE State
The purpose of the IDLE state is to have the slave pop-
ulation ready to participate in the anticollision protocol.
When transitioning to the IDLE state, the slave does not
generate any response. To maintain this state, the slave
must continuously receive sufficient power from the
master’s RF field to prevent transitioning into the
POWER-OFF state. While in the IDLE state, the slave lis-
tens to the commands that the master sends, but reacts
only on the REQB and WUPB commands, provided that
they include a matching AFI value. If the master sends
a command with a nonmatching AFI byte (conditions A
and a), a transition to IDLE is also possible from the
HALT state, the READY state, and the WAITING FOR
SLOT-MARKER state. From IDLE, a slave can transition
to the higher states READY (condition B) or WAITING
FOR SLOT-MARKER (condition S). For details, see the
command description in the
Function Commands
The WAITING FOR SLOT-MARKER state is used in the
time-slot anticollision approach. A slave can transition
or READY state upon receiving a REQB or WUPB com-
mand with a matching AFI (conditions S and s), provid-
ed that both the number of slots specified in the
REQB/WUPB command and the random number that
the slave has chosen are different from 1. To maintain
this state, the slave must continuously receive sufficient
power from the master’s RF field to prevent transitioning
into the POWER-OFF state. A slave in the WAITING
FOR SLOT-MARKER state listens to the commands that
the master sends, but reacts only on the REQB, WUPB,
and SLOT-MARKER commands. From WAITING FOR
SLOT-MARKER, a slave can transition to the higher
state READY under condition B (bypassing the SLOT-
MARKER), or MS (matching slot, SLOT-MARKER com-
mand with a slot number that matches the random
number R). Condition A (AFI mismatch) returns the
slave to the IDLE state.
The READY state applies to a slave that has met the cri-
teria in the anticollision protocol to send an ATQB
response. A slave can transition to READY from IDLE or
HALT (conditions B and b) or from WAITING FOR
SLOT-MARKER (conditions B and MS). When transition-
ing to the READY state, the slave transmits an ATQB
response. To maintain this state, the slave must contin-
uously receive sufficient power from the master’s RF
field to prevent transitioning into the POWER-OFF state.
A slave in the READY state listens to the commands
that the master sends, but reacts only on the REQB,
WUPB, ATTRIB, and HLTB commands. From READY, a
slave can transition to ACTIVE (ATTRIB command with
matching PUPI), HALT (HLTB command with matching
PUPI), or IDLE (condition A).
HALT State
The HALT state is used to silence slaves that have
been identified and shall no longer participate in the
anticollion protocol. This state is also used to park
slaves after communication in the ACTIVE state was
completed. A slave transitions to the HALT state either
from READY (HLTB command with matching PUPI) or
from ACTIVE (DESELECT command with matching
CID). When transitioning to the HALT state, the slave
transmits a response that confirms the transition. To
maintain this state, the slave must continuously receive
sufficient power from the master’s RF field to prevent
transitioning into the POWER-OFF state. The normal
way out of the HALT state is through the WUPB com-
mand. From HALT, a slave can transition to IDLE (con-
dition a), READY (condition b), or WAITING FOR
SLOT-MARKER (condition s).
The ACTIVE state enables the slave to process com-
mands sent through the block transmission protocol.
When entering the ACTIVE state, the slave confirms the
transition with a response. The only way for a slave to
transition to the ACTIVE state is from the READY state
(ATTRIB command with a matching PUPI). In the
ATTRIB command, the master assigns a 4-bit CID that
is used to address one of multiple slaves that could all
be in the ACTIVE state. To maintain this state, the slave
must continuously receive sufficient power from the
master’s RF field to prevent transitioning into the
POWER-OFF state. The normal way out of the ACTIVE
state is through the DESELECT command, which transi-
tions the slave to the HALT state.