Cobalt Digital COMPASS 9223 Dual-Channel 3G_HD_SD MPEG-4 Encoder User Manual
Page 90

9223-OM (V2.0)
Ramp48 Packets: TPG is generating packets with a “Ramp48 Payload”. A
“Ramp48 Payload” is composed of the bytes 0x48, 0x49, 0x4A, …, 0xFF.
Generated packets have the Payload bit set, no Adaptation Field, and a valid
Continuity Counter field.
PCR Packets: TPG is generating packets with a valid PCR field (stamped
corresponding to the packet’s departure time at the configured bit rate). The
packets have a small payload with random data, so the Continuity Counter field is
valid and counting.
PID: controls the PID of the generated packets. This field accepts both decimal and
hexadecimal values (prefixed with 0x).
Bit Rate (bps): controls the bit rate of the generated packets. The minimum value is
64,000 bps and the maximum value is 213,000,000 bps.
Admin License Keys Tab
The 9223 has a number of optional licensable features. The Admin License Keys Tab is used to
manage these features. Using this tab, you can see how many licenses you have for each
optional feature, and how many you are currently using.
The Admin License Keys Tab includes a License Status table, and a configuration area, as shown
below. The table rows are license counts, and the columns correspond to different licensable
features. The rows are:
Permanent Licenses: This is the number of non-expiring licenses for each feature.
Temporary Licenses: This is the number of temporary licenses for each feature. Once
the license period expires, they are removed.
Total Licenses: This is the total number of licenses for each feature. It is simply the sum
of the permanent and temporary licenses.
Used Licenses: This is the number of licenses in use for each feature by the current card
If you have temporary licenses, the Time Remaining field indicates how long until they expire.
If you do not have temporary licenses, this field has the message “No active temporary licenses”.
The table columns correspond to the licensable features, as follows:
AAC-LC Pairs: The 9223 requires one license per instance of AAC-LC stereo encoding.
SD Instances, HD/1080i Instances, HD/1080p Instances: The maximum output
resolution for the 9223 is subject to licensing. Note that if the encoder has a license for a
particular resolution, that license is good for any lower resolution as well.
OTT Protocols: OTT (Over-The-Top) Protocols are HTTP Live Streaming and RTMP.
Licenses in this column are applicable to both protocols. Each instance of either protocol
requires a license.
SMPTE 2022 FEC: This enables FEC for the board. This is not a counted feature; if
FEC is enabled, the corresponding number is 1; if it is disabled, the corresponding