Cobalt Digital COMPASS 9223 Dual-Channel 3G_HD_SD MPEG-4 Encoder User Manual

Page 18

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9223-OM (V2.0)

DNS server configuration takes effect immediately, as soon as the information is entered.

DNS Servers configured in the Control Tab have priority over servers configured here.

Network Statistics Tab

The Network Statistics Tab reports the current IP configuration of each Ethernet port, as well as
their link state and running status.

The following parameters are reported in the Network Statistics tab:

Alarm on Link Loss: Reports the current setting of this parameter.

IP Address: Reports the current IP Address for the port.

Subnet Mask: Reports the current Subnet Mask for the port.

Default Gateway: Reports the current Default Gateway for the port.

Interface Speed: Reports the current setting for this parameter.

Port 1/2 Link: This indicator has the following states:


Link OK: The port has established link with the switch.


Half-Duplex Link: The port is set to Auto-Negotiate, and it has achieved

100 Mb/s Half-Duplex link with the network connection. We do not consider Half-
Duplex links suitable for video communication. The port will operate, but we