Cobalt Digital COMPASS 9223 Dual-Channel 3G_HD_SD MPEG-4 Encoder User Manual

Page 88

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9223-OM (V2.0)

SD-SDI to Ethernet 1, 2 and ASI: This template configures both encoders to run from
SD-SDI inputs (Encoder 1 from Video 1, Encoder 2 from Video 2). Encoders are routed
to individual multicasts on both Ethernet ports, and as an MPTS to both ASI Ports.

720p to Ethernet 1, 2 and ASI: This template configures both encoders to run from
HD-SDI 720p inputs (Encoder 1 from Video 1, Encoder 2 from Video 2). Encoders are
routed to individual multicasts on both Ethernet ports, and as an MPTS to both ASI Ports.

1080i to Ethernet 1, 2 and ASI: This template configures both encoders to run from
HD-SDI 1080i inputs (Encoder 1 from Video 1, Encoder 2 from Video 2). Encoders are
routed to individual multicasts on both Ethernet ports, and as an MPTS to both ASI Ports.

1080i + SD from Video 1 to Eth 1, 2, ASI: This template configures both encoders to
run from an HD-SDI 1080i input connected to Video 1. Encoder 1 runs at full resolution,
Encoder 2 downscales the content to SD. Encoders are routed to individual multicasts on
both Ethernet ports, and as an MPTS to both ASI Ports.

Clear Current Configuration Button

The Clear Current Configuration button clears all the configured ports and streams as follows:

All ASI Ports are set to manual configuration, 20 Mb/s, 188-byte packets.

All Encoders are stopped and configured with a default set of parameters.

All IP Outputs are deleted.

All Connections are removed.

The Test Packet Generators are disabled.

The button does not affect the following areas:

The settings in the Network tab are not changed.

The settings in the Admin General tab are not changed.

Saved configurations are not modified in any way.

Dashboard™ will take a few seconds to reload (longer if you are accessing over a wide-area
network), but the actual configuration in the 9223 is virtually instantaneous. The Status Message
Area will indicate the result of the operation.

Admin Test Packet Generator Tab

The 9223 includes two Test Packet Generators (TPG) that are capable of generating a
configurable constant bit rate sequence of MPEG-2 Transport Packets with very strict timing.
The TPGs are considered a source (input), and are available to be connected to any output. The
user interface for the TPGs includes a current status table, which reports the current
configuration of the generators.