Cobalt Digital COMPASS 9223 Dual-Channel 3G_HD_SD MPEG-4 Encoder User Manual

Page 42

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9223-OM (V2.0)

Service Name: Enter the desired SDT service name for this encoder channel. The
default name is Slot X Encoder Y, where X is the openGear® slot number where the
9223 is installed, and Y is 1 or 2 (for Encoder 1 or Encoder 2).

Provider Name: Enter the desired SDT service provider name. The default is MVN.

Advanced SDT Config: By default, the other SDT values are automatically set by the
system. If you need to configure them, check this box, and a new set of parameters
appears, as shown below.

Running Status: Indicates the status of the service. The options are undefined, not
, starting, pausing, running, and service off-air. The value used for this
parameter when Advanced SDT Config is not enabled is running.

Service Type: Indicates the type of service. The value used for this parameter when
Advanced SDT Config is not enabled is advanced codec SD digital television service if
the encoder is in SD mode, or advanced codec HD digital television service if the encoder
is in HD mode. The drop-down list offers a few of the most common choices. If you
need to code something other than these choices, select custom setting in the drop-down
list and a new parameter will become available, as show below.

Custom Service Type: Enter the service type. This field accepts both hexadecimal
(prefixed by 0x) and decimal values. The valid range is from 0 (0x00) to 255 (0xFF).

Original Network ID: This field contains the Network ID code from which this program
originated. This field accepts both hexadecimal (prefixed by 0x) and decimal values.
Valid values are from 0 (0x0000) to 65535 (0xFFFF). The default value for this field is