Product tab – Cobalt Digital COMPASS 9223 Dual-Channel 3G_HD_SD MPEG-4 Encoder User Manual

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9223-OM (V2.0)

Product Tab

The Product Tab contains basic information about the 9223.

The following information is available:

Build Date: Date the firmware image was built.

Supplier: Cobalt Digital Inc.

Product: 9223.

Software revision: This indicates the firmware revision currently running. The format is
Major Version

• Minor Version • Build Number.

Serial Number: This is the serial number of this particular 9223 card.

Rear Module: This indicates the status of the Rear I/O Module. It can have one of the
following states:


OK: The Rear Module is the correct module for the 9223.


Not Installed: The 9223 is not connected to a rear module. The card is

operating normally, but it will not be useful as there are no input and output
connections to it.


Wrong Module: The 9223 is connected to a rear module that was not

designed for it (most likely from another openGear™ vendor). Depending on the
signals present on that module, there may be a chance of damage to the 9223; It is
recommended that this situation be rectified immediately. This alarm will cause
the front status LED to turn red.

Card Uptime: Indicates how long the card has been running since it was last rebooted.

Ambient Temperature: Temperature, in degrees Cesius, of the air intake of the card
(measured at the front edge of the card).

Internal Temperature: Temperature, in degrees Cesius, at the back of the card.

MDP Core Temperature: Temperature, in degrees Cesius, of the core MediaStorm
processing element.

The openGear™ frame is designed to operate in environments with up to 40


C ambient. There is

typically a 5


C temperature raise from the external ambient to the “Ambient Temperature”

measured by the 9223. If that measurement is at 45


C or higher, action must be taken to cool

down the ambient temperature.