Try this – Moog Music SUB PHATTY User Manual

Page 14

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FREQUENCY: This knob is used to fine-tune oscillator 2’s pitch within its selected range. The knob’s
range is seven semitones higher or lower than its center position. At its center position, oscillator 2 is
tuned to oscillator 1. Turning it just slightly out of tune with oscillator 1 can yield interesting detuned
or phasing effects.

HARD SYNC OSC 2: This button locks oscillator 2’s phase to oscillator 1, eliminating any phase
differences between them. The

HARD SYNC OSC 2 button illuminates when it’s engaged.

When both oscillators are in sync, every time that oscillator 1 begins a new cycle, it forces oscillator
2 to begin its cycle at the same instant, regardless of whether its previous cycle is complete. As a
result, hard sync forces oscillator 2’s waveform to take on a different shape—typically one with greater
harmonic complexity. Because oscillator 2 is in sync with oscillator 1, their combined harmonic content
depends on their pitch relationship, so that changing oscillator 2’s frequency will have an immediate
effect on timbre. For that reason, modulating oscillator 2’s frequency opens up some outstanding
waveshaping opportunities when

HARD SYNC OSC 2 is engaged.

NOTE: If oscillator 1’s frequency is higher than oscillator 2’s, oscillator 2 will be unable to complete its
cycle, resulting in little or no output from oscillator 2.



1. Press the ACTIVATE PANEL button.
2. In the FILTER section, turn the CUTOFF knob all the way up, the EG AMOUNT knob to
center position, and the remaining knobs all the way down.
3. In the ENVELOPES section, turn the SUSTAIN knobs all the way up and the remaining
knobs all the way down.
4. Set the OCTAVE knobs for both oscillators to 16’ and center the OSCILLATOR section’s
remaining knobs. The

HARD SYNC OSC 2 and PITCH AMT OSC 2 ONLY buttons should be

turned off.
5. In the MODULATION section, turn the LFO RATE to 8 and the remaining knobs all the way
down. Make sure the

MOD wheel is turned all the way down, too.

6. Next to the PRESETS section, FINE TUNE and OCTAVE should be centered and GLIDE
should be all the way down.
7. Finally, turn all the MIXER knobs fully counterclockwise.

When you play the keyboard with these settings, you shouldn’t hear anything. This procedure
initializes the front panel and gives you a starting place for creating your own patches and
exploring the Sub Phatty’s capabilities.


After patch initialization, turn up the

OSC 1 knob in the MIXER section. Listen carefully as you play

the keys while slowly turning oscillator 1’s

WAVE knob to the triangle, sawtooth, square, and pulse

positions. Listen to what happens when you turn the

WAVE knob quickly while playing.

Now turn up oscillator 2 in the mixer. While holding a key, turn oscillator 2’s


knob to adjust its tuning relative to oscillator 1. Notice the varied effects of adjusting them
slightly out of tune, ranging from obvious beating between the pitches to mild phasing
between the slightly detuned oscillators.

If you turn the

FREQUENCY knob all the way up, you’ll hear oscillator 2 tuned seven

semitones (an interval of a perfect 5th) higher than oscillator 1. If you turn it all the way down,
it will be seven semitones lower than oscillator 1. (For extra credit, try to tune them a major 3rd
and a perfect 4th apart, too.)
Now tune the oscillators as close to unison as you can by turning
the knob to its center position again.