Moog Music Little Phatty Stage II User Manual

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LP Stage II User’s Manual - The User Interface

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LP Stage II User’s Manual - The User Interface



This calibration option allows you to select Note calibration. This
calibrates individual notes exactly for each oscillator and octave setting.
Press ENTER to access the Note calibration menu.

The Note calibration menu will be displayed, allowing you to set the
calibration range. The default note range is MIDI notes 12 - 116. For
every one of these notes, the pitches are calibrated at each of the
octave settings, from 16’ to 2’. To change the range, use the CURSOR
button to move to the start or end field, and use the VALUE knob to
select the MIDI note value. Then press ENTER.

Note: A full Note calibration using the default range (12 - 116) can take about two hours
to complete. By specifying a narrower range of notes (for example, just the range of the LP
keyboard without octave transpose [48-84], or with octave transpose [24-108]), you can
shorten the calibration time.

You will be asked if you wish to proceed. Use the VALUE knob to se-
lect YES or NO. If you are uncertain or if you change your mind about
performing this calibration, select NO and press ENTER. You will be
returned to the System Utilities Calibration menu. Otherwise, select
YES and press ENTER.

Calibration will begin, and the display will appear as shown. The values
displayed are the MIDI note number being calibrated, the calibration
value (this is the value stored in the LP’s EEPROM), and the actual
measured note in MIDI Note Number Cents (in the example shown
here, ‘32.01’ indicates MIDI note 32 and the actual measured note is
01 cents sharp). Note calibration will proceed through the specified
range of notes, tuning each note individually, first for oscillator 1 and
then oscillator 2.

When Note calibration is complete, the message ‘SUCCESSFUL’ will
appear on the display and the new calibration values will be stored in
the LP’s EEPROM. To exit the calibration, press ENTER to return to
the System Utilities Calibration menu or press MASTER to exit the
calibration and return to the highest level of the System Utilities menu.

Note: You can exit out of Note calibration at any time by pressing the MASTER button.
Only those notes that have been calibrated up to that point will be saved. The remaining
notes will revert to their previous calibration values. Interrupting the Note Calibration
operation in this manner may result in inaccurate tuning.