Moog Music Little Phatty Stage II User Manual

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LP Stage II User’s Manual - The User Interface

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LP Stage II User’s Manual - The User Interface


The third page of the Arpeggiator menu allows you to specify the
Arpeggiator Clock Divider. The available Arpeggiator Clock Divider
values are the same as the LFO Clock Divider (see table on page 28).
To make a selection, use the CURSOR button to move to the divider
parameter field, then use the VALUE knob to select the desired divisor
value. The default clock divisor value is ‘1/4’.

The fourth page of the Arpeggiator menu allows you to select the range
of the arpeggiator, specified in octaves. Up to ± 3 octaves can be se-
lected, which allows you to create sequences that are beyond the range
of the LP’s 3-octave keyboard. To make a selection, use the CURSOR
button to move to the octave parameter field, then use the VALUE knob
to select the desired octave value.

Values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3; the default value is 1.

The fifth page of the Arpeggiator menu allows you to select the order
(pattern) in which notes are sequenced. The choices are:

UP - Notes are arpeggiated from lowest to highest

DN - Notes are arpeggiated from highest to lowest

ORDER - Notes are arpeggiated in the order played

To make a selection, use the CURSOR button to move to the pattern
parameter field, then use the VALUE knob to select the desired pattern.

The default value is ‘UP’.

The sixth page of the Arpeggiator menu allows you to select the
Arpeggiator mode. The choices are:

LOOP - When the arpeggiator reaches the end, it loops

back to the starting point.

BACK-FORTH - When the Arpeggiator reaches the end it

reverses direction and returns to the starting point.

ONCE - The arpeggiator makes a single pass and then stops.

To make a selection, use the CURSOR button to move to the mode
parameter field, then use the VALUE knob to select the desired mode

The default value is ‘LOOP’.