Moog Music Little Phatty Stage II User Manual
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LP Stage II User’s Manual - The User Interface
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LP Stage II User’s Manual - The User Interface
NOTE: While you are in this menu with AutoTune enabled, the output of the LP will be muted (the
Output ON/OFF button status will not change, however). The reason for muting the output is that
AutoTune uses a special Calibration Preset tone which isn’t very musical. The LP’s output will remain
muted as long as you stay in this menu, or until you disable AutoTune. If AutoTune is active when you
leave the menu, it will remain active but will automatically unmute the output and disengage when you
start playing. AutoTune has a special ‘timeout’ feature that waits 15 seconds after you stop playing
before engaging the AutoTune function in the background. If the AutoTune menu is displayed during this
time, you will see it change:
Until the timeout is finished, at which point, the target note will appear again:
AUTO 60.12
The LP will continue to autotune while you are playing until you disable it in the menu, or until you
switch off the power.
For more on the Calibration Preset and a list of its parameter values, see Appendix D.
Precision Mode is a feature that allows precision editing of LP param-
eters using the VALUE knob. Each LP parameter stored has a value
from zero to 4095. In Precision Mode that value is displayed on the
second line on the screen.
To edit a parameter in Precision Mode, press the corresponding
parameter button on the front panel (for example, Filter Cutoff). You
will see that parameter name along with its value on the display. To
edit with the VALUE knob, press the CURSOR button and rotate the
VALUE knob. Each click of the VALUE knob results in a change of one
value. Pressing the VALUE knob while simultaneously rotating it will
change the value in increments of 10, allowing for faster editing.
Changes made to a preset in Precision Mode are part of the cur-
rent Panel Active edited sound. To make these changes permanent,
the preset must be stored (see “Preset Mode” on page 23). To exit
Precision Mode, press the MASTER or PANEL button. The last edited
parameter in Precision Mode will be remembered until it is changed in
Precision Mode or the unit is powered down.
Values: The default parameter is Volume Attack