Moog Music Little Phatty Stage II User Manual
Page 20

Page 22
LP Stage II User’s Manual - The Components
Page 23
LP Stage II User’s Manual - The User Interface
Fine Tune:
The FINE TUNE control is used to tune the Little Phatty’s oscillators ±3 semitones for matching an external
reference pitch.
Glide On/Off:
The GLIDE ON/OFF switch enables or disables the glissando effect between notes. Glide is ON when the
switch LED is lit. The glide rate is set using the GLIDE RATE control in the oscillator section.
Octave Up/Down:
The OCTAVE UP and OCTAVE DOWN switches affect the octave selection for both oscillators. The
range is –2, -1, 0, +1, +2. Pressing either switch once will light the switch amber and adjust the octave ac-
cordingly. Pressing the same switch a second time will adjust the octave again and change the illumination
from amber to red, indicating that a two-octave change has been selected. The Octave settings are stored
individually for each preset.