Moog Music Little Phatty Stage II User Manual

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LP Stage II User’s Manual - The Components

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LP Stage II User’s Manual - The Components

F. Keyboard and Left-Hand Controllers

The Little Phatty has a 37-note keyboard (3 octaves,
C to C). When combined with the OCTAVE but-
tons, the keyboard has a playable range of 7 octaves.
The keyboard produces velocity control voltages and
transmits MIDI Note On and Note Off messages poly-

To the left of the keyboard is the Left Hand

Controller Panel, which contain the Pitch Bend and Mod
Wheel controls.

Pitch Bend Wheel:
This spring-loaded control affects the pitch of both oscillators. The amount of pitch bend can be set for
each direction (UP/DOWN) independently via the Advanced Preset Menu (see page 35) and saved in each

Modulation Wheel:
This control sets the amount of modulation that is sent to the modulation destination of the Modulation
Matrix. Each preset has the Modulation Wheel programmed to introduce some additional dimension to the
sound. As you explore the presets, don’t forget to try the Modulation Wheel to hear this added effect on
the sound.

PERFORMANCE TIP: The expressive use of the Pitch Bend and Modulation Wheels is
the key to breathing musical life into your performances. For example, a small amount of
pitch bend (a few semi-tones) will allow you to easily perform guitar-like bends, while a
large amount can be useful for extreme ‘dive bomb’ pitch effects. The Mod Wheel can be
programmed to introduce standard modulation effects like vibrato, tremolo or filter sweeps,
or it can control something less expected, like EG-swept oscillator sync. Although the
actual performance technique with these controls is beyond the scope of this manual, we
recommend listening to recordings of synthesizer players, guitarists and other soloists to
learn the various ways these controls can be used effectively.