Moog Music Little Phatty Stage II User Manual
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LP Stage II User’s Manual - The User Interface
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LP Stage II User’s Manual - The User Interface
This menu item is used to enable or disable the transmission (SND)
and reception (RCV) of MIDI program changes. To change the status
of either parameter use the CURSOR button to highlight the param-
eter, then use the VALUE knob to set the new parameter value.
Values: ON, OFF;
the default values are ON for both SND and RCV
The Tune parameter is used to enable or disable the FINE TUNE panel
control (ON/OFF), or enable the AutoTune function (AUTO).
When the Tune parameter is set to ON, the FINE TUNE panel control
is used to tune the LP. In this mode, you can use the VALUE knob get
very precise tuning control by moving the display cursor over to the
numerical value and rotating the VALUE knob (the adjustment value is
from -1024 to +1023, representing roughly ± a third).
When the Tune parameter is set to OFF, the position of the FINE
TUNE panel control is stored and the control itself is disabled. This
feature prevents accidental bumping of the FINE TUNE panel control
during performance.
When the Tune parameter is set to AUTO, the AutoTune function is
engaged and the display changes as shown. AutoTune works to keep
the LP in tune by automatically making fine adjustments to the Fine
Tuning CV.
When AutoTune is enabled, the display shows the actual value of the
last note played (displayed as the MIDI note number, shown here as
‘60’), and the current tuning value (displayed in cents, shown here as
‘.00’). In this mode, the LP will continually tune to this value. To adjust
the note that you are tuning to, cursor over to the Note value in
the display and use the VALUE knob for precise adjustments. Hitting
another note on the keyboard will set that note as the new target for
tuning. You can exit out this menu by hitting the MASTER or PRESET
buttons, and the LP will remain in the AutoTune mode, maintaining the
current tuning.
Values: ON, OFF, AUTO; the default is ON