Software revisions, 2002 top dry service school – Grain Systems PNEG-1263 User Manual
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2002 Top Dry Service School
Software revisions
RELEASE DATE: October 27, 1999
***** NOTE: This software originated from 1.06 and is intended to fix version 2.00.*****
1) Added diesel option which if selected pulses the igniter relay on for about 1/2second after power to burner is on.
Took out option for modem string until it is needed.
Added safeties for thermistor shorts and opens.
4) By holding in on the HELP switch while turning on power you may check for proper wiring of the control panel switches and for correct operation of
Made hour meter active. Reset it by holding in on the HOURS key while turning on the power. Press HOURS key to view.
Moisture control light flashes in temp hold mode.
Added software to indicate to the user that the DUMP switch is not in the AUTO position.
If the DRY & HOLD switch is in the ON position the dryer now goes through the cool cycle before shutting down. The cool timer is displayed while this is
happening. (Changed to a set 20 minutes in 2.11)
Changed software so the dryer won't shutdown while changing model number on the dryer.
10) The user can no longer go into EXTENDED SETUP while the dryer is running.
11) The warning of BIN HIGH PRESSURE LIMIT is now active high - in other words it must get 12VDC on pin J2-20 in order to give a shutdown.
RELEASE DATE: October 7, 1999
1) Changed the "Batch percentage off" selection screen to a screen which allows you to enter a time (just like any other timer) at which the dryer will shut off
loading in the DRY TIME. The timer is called the BATCH FILL TIME.
RELEASE DATE: October 4, 1999
1) Attempted to fix the problem of grain setpoint changing by itself.
2) Fixed problem of batch dryer always shutting down with a "DRYING CHAMBER EMPTY" warning. A delay called the "REFILL TIMER" allows the
dryer to fill back up.
RELEASE DATE: January 6, 1999
1) Fixed hour timer so dryer will now show running time of dryer.
2) Changed the way the dryer shut down when using the dry and hold switch, now it will cool the grain using the cool timer before it shuts down to prevent heat
buildup of grain past the grain temp set points thereby causing a shutdown condition. Works in Autoflow and AutoBatch modes.
3) Fixed the clock to properly roll over in the year 2000.
4) Added a user batch count and user timer independent from the Total batch and Total time allowing monitoring of different users drying grain or different
fields for comparison of drying time.
5) Added a test procedure for the keypad. Turning all of the control switches to the right (on position) and holding in the stop switch while turning on the
control power activates it. User can now test each individual keypad switch for malfunction or stuck keys. (Taken out in 2.03)
6) Added control switch testing by pressing and hold the plenum and grain switches in while turning on the control power. This will allow the user to test for
failed switches or computer failure to detect switch position changes. (Changed in 2.03 to turn power on with Help key depressed)
7) Removed garbage displayed when user selected to view total running time and total batches.
8) Added a check to make sure the dump switch is always in the Auto posistion. Otherwise if left in manual close will cause the dryer never to dump.
9) Fixed several bugs that were reported to use by users and dealers.
10) I added the ability to reset the Total Dryer running time by pressing the HOUR and RESET button together and turn on the dryer.
11) Removed watchdog option in Extended setup mode since watchdog has not been implemented yet.
12) Changed the wording to some of the error messages concerning the rotary switches to help eliminate some confusion of which switch was at fault.
13) Moisture control light will now flash to give a visual indication that the dryer is in temperature hold.
RELEASE DATE: November, 98
1.) Fixed dryer so the grain hi limit occurs at 20 F above the grain temp setpoint.
2.) Made timeout on the open/close of the actuator 20 seconds instead of 15 seconds. This extra time was added to compensate for the weaker batteries taking
longer to close the chutes.
RELEASE DATE: September, 98
1.) Made the out of grain timer active.
1.) The application of 12v to terminal number j1-20 will shutdown the dryer and give an indication that the bin is full due to the high level of static pressure
within."BIN AIR PRESSURE LIM" will be displayed on screen's top line until the user corrects the problem. (Originally looked for lack of 12v, fixed in
2.) Corrected the hour meter problem.
3.) Changed how the dry timer is displayed: Now when the dry timer goes to zero it will begin counting upward at the user set time as long as the dryer remains
in temp hold.
1.) Added software to allow the aeration fan to continue running even if there was a dryer shutdown. The aeration fan BYPASS mode must be selected under
1.) The Bin high limit rotary switch is monitored in both states to insure that a switch failure has not taken place. If both switches are in the same state a switch
failure is reported.
1.) Added burner differential adjustment to be set at master under extended setup.
2.) Gary Woodruff's software for holding the fans off during a portion of the dry cycle. This is adjusted under delays.
3.) Attempted to make the dryer dry remaining grain when a wet supply empty error takes place.
4.) Added software to display a negative incrementing counter, where the dry timer used to be, during temp hold. (Changed in 1.04)