2003 top dry service school – Grain Systems PNEG-1314 User Manual
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2003 Top Dry Service School
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Version 2.15 Changes
New Features
1. Out of Grain Timer – Located under the “Setup” key. This Timer monitors how long the Load system runs including delay
time and shuts down the Top Dry, goes through the “Cleanout” of the Augers procedure and then gives an “Out of Grain”
Warning. Default setting is 20 minutes. The “Load” switch “ON” position works exactly like “Auto” but ignores the Timer.
2. The High Limits on the Grain and Plenum Temperatures are now settable. User selects how many degrees above the set
points that a “Grain or Plenum High Limit” Warning will be displayed. Defaults are 30 degrees for the Grain and 20 degrees
above the set points. Both are settable from 10 to 50 degrees. These settings are accessed by turning on the “Control Power”
while holding down the “Modify” key, in the Extended Setup, so they can be reset to allow operation after the User has
determined there is no fire hazard. This in effect gives the system an “Emergency Cooling” capability.
3. The Wet Bin Rotary Switch now has a Delay Setting accessed from the “Delay” Key. This will delay the shutting down of
the Top Dry and display of the “Wet Bin SW Exposed” Warning after grain no longer covers the switch. This is to allow for
variations in where the switch needs to be located for differences in the moisture of the incoming grain. The New Out of Grain
Timer will make this Delay less likely to be used however.
4. Implemented the “Start Fans with High” feature that was previously listed in the “Extended Setup” list but was not
Changed Names
1. “Fan Delay” is now “Motor Delay” to better describe the fact that the delay not only delays the time between when the Fans
start but also the time between when any Fan or Loading Motors start.
2. When the Drying Chamber Low Level Rotary Switch is exposed it will now say “Lo Level SW Exposed” not “Dry
Chamber Empty”.
3. When the Wet Bin Rotary Switch is exposed it will now say “Wet Bin SW Exposed” not “Dryer out of Grain”
4. The Delay formerly called the “Out of Grain” Delay which delayed the shutting down of the system if grain came off the
Drying Chamber Low level Switch is now called the “Lo level SW” Delay.
5. Under the Extended Setup accessed by holding down the “Modify” key while turning on the “Control Power” those items
that were described as “Tests” are now named as just the Switch itself. Enabling the switch means it is monitored by the System
and Disabled means it is not monitored.
A. AIRSWITCH - Enabled means you will get a shutdown when a fan loses airflow. Disabled will satisfy the dryer's airflow
requirements for the burner regardless of the actual air switch state.
B. LOW LEVEL SWITCH - Enabled means the drying chamber low level switch will act as normal, i.e, will indicate the real
state of the rotary switch and will shut down after the user set delay when uncovered. When disabled the dryer will think the low
level switch is always covered.
C. WET TANK SWITCH - Enabled means this switch will act as normal, shutting down the system when uncovered.
Disabled means the dryer will think this switch is always covered with grain.
D. START FANS WITH HIGH - Enabled means the dryer will start fans according to state of drying chamber hi level switch.
Disabled means dryer will start according to drying chamber low level switch.
E. AERATION FAN BYPASS - Enabled means the BYPASS is on and the Fan will run whenever the “Control Power”
switch is turned on.
Simplifications & Improvements
1. In the Auto Flow Mode the “Refill Timer” and “Time until load off” Batch only screens will not show up.
2. Instead of using a different name for the Delay which affects the Drying Chamber Low Level Rotary Switch depending on
whether the system is set for a 1 fill or 2 fill system it will always be called “Hi Level SW” Delay.
3. Instead of Delay, that affects when the Fill 1 load system stops in a 2 fill system, changing names and coming up on screen
when a 1 fill system has been set it will only show up when a 2 fill system has been set and will be called “Fill System #1” Delay.
4. The amount of time the Delays and other settings stay on the screen before moving to the next has been doubled.
5. The Cool Down feature which runs after an “Out of Grain”, “Storage Bin Full” or “Wet Bin SW Exposed” shutdown or
after the system stops because the “Stop and Hold” switch has been turned on, now Cools for whatever time the Cool Timer has
been set for.