Error details – Grain Systems PNEG-1314 User Manual

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2003 Top Dry Service School

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Error Details

Error #1 Plenum Temperature Probe Open. The two wires for checking this error are on terminals 24 and
25 they are labeled J7-12 and J7-13. The wires must be removed from the terminals to receive a correct
reading. This must be checked with a Ohm Meter. If the probe is open you will not receive any reading on
your meter because there is no continuity between the wires. It is like you cut the wire in half. If there is
resistance there is a certain resistance reading for current temperature of the probe. See Chart at the back
of this section to verify that the sensor is correct. If the sensor is correct you probably did not have a good
connection from one of your wires to the terminal strip.

Error #2 Plenum Temperature Probe Short. This error is indicating that the Plenum Temperature probe is
shorted. This will also need to be check with a Ohm meter and if it is shorted will read no resistance as if
you were checking both ends of one wire. Remember to disconnect the wires before checking.

Error #3 Grain Temperature Probe Open. This error is indicating the Grain Temperature Probe located in
the drying chamber on a leleveleveling band is shorted.. The terminals for checking the Grain Temperature
Probe are 22 and 23 and are labeled J7-14 and J7-18. The process for checking this error are the same as
in error #1. Remember to disconnect the wires from these terminals before checking them.

Error #4 Grain Temperature Probe Short. This error is indicating that the Grain Temperature Probe is
shorted. This is the same Probe as in error #3 and is checked like Error #2.

Error #5 Airflow Open. This error is indicating the airflow proving switch is in its open state and should be
closed verifying there is no airflow so the fan heater will start. This must be checked with a Ohm meter and
can be done directly on the airswitch terminals labeled N.O. And Common. This can also be checked on
the terminal strip between terminals 12 and 14. They are labeled J7-09 and J7-10. The Airswitch can
usually be adjusted and correct this error.

Error #6 Airflow Short. This error is indicating that the airswitch is stuck in both a normally open and
normally closed state and needs to be adjusted, cleaned, or replaced.

Error #7 Illegal Flame Sense. This error is indicating that there was a flame sensed at a time it should not
have. This is usually caused by a solenoid valve not closing properly. You can detect a solenoid not closing
properly by watching the pressure gauge on the gas train. After the unit cycles off the pressure gauge will not
drop immediately, it will gradually drop to zero or you can witch the flame and see if it is shutting off immedi-
ately or gradually burning out.

Error #8 Flame Probe Short. When this Error is given it can be either the flame probe is touching a metal
surface or The flame probe wire has shorted to ground somewhere. To fix adjust the probe or replace the
wire to the to of it.