Ant questions and answers – Uncle Milton Vintage Ant Farm User Manual

Page 9

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which ones are smart, which ones aren’t, which ones are
leaders and which ones prefer to follow.

Watch them — a magnifying glass will come in handy
— and you’ll soon realize why you should take good
care of your ants. These little creatures work very
hard, they are very loyal to the colony, and are good
citizens in their community.

Ant questions and answers

Q: Do the ants get enough air in
Ant Farm


A: Yes. Your Ant Farm brand habitat
is scientifically constructed to pro-
vide sufficient air through tiny vents.

Q: Are there both male and
female ants in a colony of workers?
No. All worker ants are sterile fe males. The only
male ants are the “princes.” They mate with the
queens and die soon after mating.

Q: When will I receive the ants I ordered?
Normally, we mail ants to you within 3-6 weeks
after we receive your order, some times they are
delayed because it is too hot or too cold for them. It is
best to order when the temperature is between 32°F
and 85°F . If you have an outdoor mailbox, don’t let the
package stay in there for long! It may be too cold or
too hot for them.


Q: Can the ants travel by mail in their small
tubes without dying?
Yes. Our ants are packed in special containers for
travel. Our experience proves that only a few ants out
of a shipment die in transit. After all, some ants die
of old age or other weakness. However, we ship you
more than enough to work your Ant Farm habitat.

Q: Can I use my own ants?
Yes, you can. In fact, ants from your own neighbor-
hood may thrive even better since they are already
adjusted to your climate. Just be sure to find large ants
that cannot go through the air holes. (See pages 6-7.)

Q: How long do ants live?
A worker ant can live about one year from birth.
The ants we send are adult workers, so under proper
care and conditions, they should live one to three
months. However, fumes, heat or improper care can
shorten their lives. The biggest causes are overfeeding,
over-watering or under-watering.

Q: How do ants communicate?
Ants communicate mostly by odors (called phero-
mones). They often hold meetings and you will see
them all standing around in a group as if they are hav-
ing a get-together! Sometimes, when an ant wants to
attract the attention of another ant, it taps that ant on
the head with its antenna.

Q: Do ants work all the time?
No. They work very hard, but they also play, and
they rest. When they play, they bump and wrestle with
each other. Sometimes two or three of them will roll a
bit of grain or sand around like a soccer ball.