Uncle Milton Planet Frog User Manual
Instruction manual, Important: please read first, Order your tadpoles online now

Order your tadpoles online NOW!
You can order tadpoles by visiting
our online store located at www.unclemilton.com. For a discount on your first
order, enter promo code: tad8461hd7
We would like you to receive your tadpoles as quickly as possible, however it is
much more important to us that you receive your tadpoles when the National
Weather Service forecasts favorable weather conditions in your region. The
temperature range for safe tadpole delivery is a nighttime low of 40˚ F to a
daytime high of 80˚ F (4˚ to 27˚ C). Weather permitting, your tadpole(s) will
arrive in 3 to 6 weeks. Delay in shipping may occur if you live somewhere that
is too hot (above 80˚ F) or too cold (below 40˚ F). The Frog Farm ships
tadpoles within the continental USA only.
We regret any potential inconvenience this delay may cause you.
Your tadpole will come in a Styrofoam box clearly marked “Live Tadpoles”. We
suggest that you open your package upon immediately upon receipt. If at all
possible, ask your mail carrier to place your package on your porch, preferably
in the shade.
The tadpoles we offer are captive-bred. They are raised from birth in a clean,
disease-free environment by professional breeders. They are not
caught from the wild. The type of tadpole that we offer is the Leopard frog
tadpole. The scientific name for this species is Rana pipiens.
Leopard frogs are common to most of North America.
Tadpole food will be sent with your tadpole shipment.
Instruction Manual
AGES 6 +