VEGA VEGAFLEX 83 Profibus PA PFA insulated User Manual
Page 57
7 Setup with PACTware
VEGAFLEX 83 • Profibus PA
Serial number
Here, you can find the serial number of your instrument. You cannot
change this line because the serial number is unmodifiably saved in
the instrument.
Measurement loop name
Here you can enter a suitable measurement loop name for your VE-
GAFLEX 83. You can enter a name with max. 19 characters. You can
use capital and small letters as well as numbers. The following special
characters are also possible: + - . : , ( ) / < >
Probe length modified?
If you have modified the probe length, this must be entered in the
selection field.
If you select "No", then the instrument uses automatically the
preset length of the default setting.
If you select "Yes", then you can enter in another field the modified
length of the instrument.
Instrument address
An address must be assigned to each Profibus PA instrument. Each
address may only be assigned once in the Profibus PA network. The
sensor is only recognized by the control system if the address is set
When the instrument is shipped, address 126 is adjusted. This ad-
dress can be used for function test of the instrument and for con-
nection to a Profibus PA network. Then address must be changed to
integrate additional instruments.
The address setting is carried out either via:
The address selection switch in the electronics compartment of
the instrument (address setting via hardware)
The display and adjustment module (address setting via software)
PACTware/DTM (address setting via software)
Hardware addressing - The hardware addressing is effective if an
address <126 is set with the address selection switches on the
electronics module of VEGAFLEX 83. The software addressing is
then no longer effective, only the set hardware address is valid.
Software addressing - The software addressing is only effective
if address 126 or higher is set on the instrument with the address
selection switches.
Probe length L from seal surface
If you have modified the length of the probe, you can enter in this field
the modified probe length. Keep the selected unit in mind.
Determine probe length automatically
If you do not know the probe length, you can have the length of the
probe determined automatically. The requirement for this is a probe
unrestricted and not covered by the medium.
Click to "Carry out now", to start the automatic length determination.