7 supplementary electronics, 8 set instrument address – VEGA VEGAFLEX 83 Profibus PA PFA insulated User Manual
Page 27
5 Connecting to power supply
VEGAFLEX 83 • Profibus PA
5.7 Supplementary electronics
The radio module PLICSMOBILE is an external GSM/GPRS radio
unit for transmission of measured values and for remote parameter
( )
Fig. 23: Radio module PLICSMOBILE integrated in the connection compart-
1 Voltage supply
You can find detailed information on connection in the supplementary
instructions "PLICSMOBILE GSM/GPRS radio module".
5.8 Set instrument address
An address must be assigned to each Profibus PA instrument. The
approved addresses are between 0 and 126. Each address must
only be assigned once in the Profibus PA network. The sensor is only
recognized by the control system if the address is set correctly.
When the instrument is shipped, address 126 is adjusted. This ad-
dress can be used for function test of the instrument and for con-
nection to a Profibus PA network. Then address must be changed to
integrate additional instruments.
The address setting is carried out either via:
The address selection switch in the electronics compartment of
the instrument (address setting via hardware)
The display and adjustment module (address setting via software)
PACTware/DTM (address setting via software)
The hardware addressing is effective if an address <126 is adjusted
with the address selection switches on the instrument. Hence the
software addressing is no longer effective, the adjusted hardware
address is valid.
Supplementary elec-
tronics - Radio module
Instrument address
Hardware addressing