VEGA VEGAFLEX 82 Foundation Fieldbus User Manual

Page 49

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7 Setup with PACTware

VEGAFLEX 82 • Foundation Fieldbus


Serial number

Here, you can find the serial number of your instrument. You cannot

change this line because the serial number is unmodifiably saved in

the instrument.
Measurement loop name

Here you can enter a suitable measurement loop name for your VE-

GAFLEX 82. You can enter a name with max. 19 characters. You can

use capital and small letters as well as numbers. The following special

characters are also possible: + - . : , ( ) / < >
Probe length modified?

If you have modified the probe length, this must be entered in the

selection field.

If you select "No", then the instrument uses automatically the

preset length of the default setting.

If you select "Yes", then you can enter in another field the modified

length of the instrument.

Probe length L from seal surface

If you have modified the length of the probe, you can enter in this field

the modified probe length. Keep the selected unit in mind.
Determine probe length automatically

If you do not know the probe length, you can have the length of the

probe determined automatically. The requirement for this is a probe

unrestricted and not covered by the medium.
Click to "Carry out now", to start the automatic length determination.

Type of medium

Here you can see which type of medium your instrument is suitable

for. If this function is inactive, the medium type your instrument is suit-

able for was already preset.

In special cases you can change the type of medium. This setting can

be changed under "Extended adjustment".

In this field you can select the application you want to use your instru-

ment for. You have the following selection options:

Level in the metallic vessel

Level in the non-metallic vessel

Demonstration mode

Level measurement: If you select "Level", you can select the proper-

ties of the medium in another field.
Demonstration mode: This mode is only suitable for test and demon-

stration purposes. In this mode, the sensor ignores all parameters

and reacts immediately to all measured value changes within the

measuring range.

Step 2
