Velleman VMB6PBN User Manual
Page 10

Push-button interface| VMB6PBN – ed.1
Pushbuttons can be locked (and unlocked) via the VelbusLink software to avoid unwanted actions. This locking can
also be done through other pushbuttons that are connected to the Velbus system.
This creates following possibilities:
• Lock a pushbutton as long as another Velbus pushbutton is closed.
• Lock a pushbutton as long as another Velbus pushbutton is open.
• Lock a pushbutton during a certain time by a push on another Velbus pushbutton. With the next push on that
other button it is possible to choose to relock or unlock the pushbutton.
Locking time can be permanent or set between:
1 sec and 2 min, in steps of 1 sec
2 min and 5 min, in steps of 15 sec
5 min and 30 min, in steps of 30 sec
30 min and 1 hour, in steps of 1 min
1 hour and 5 hours, in steps off 15 min
5 hours and 10 hours, in steps of 30 min
10 hours and 24 hours, in steps of 1 hour
2 or 3 days
• Unlock a pushbutton by a push on another Velbus pushbutton.
Hint: to avoid accidental control of the sunscreen during wintertime the pushbuttons can be locked during this period.
The indication LED on the pushbutton may glow softly to locate the pushbutton in the dark. The brightness of the
backlighting can be adjusted. When desired, backlighting can be switched off completely.
The indication LED on the pushbutton can indicate the status of the action it controls. It can be on or off or when a
timer is running flash slowly or fast. If the flashing is disturbing, it can be changed to continuously on. It is also possible
to disable feedback.
Status feedback of a contact:
The identification LED on the pushbutton can also be used to indicate the status of a contact (open or closed). For
this, feedback must be disabled and the entry channel must be connected.
Hint: Useful to show the status of a magnetic contact.